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If you're looking for $0 upfront
If you're looking for a 2-yr contract
If you're a CIS customer looking for $0 upfront
If you're a CIS customer looking for 2-yr contract
So what are you waiting for? Browse our catalogue of the latest Xiaomi mobile phones especially those that are on promo sale prices now.
Tagged with the tagline “Making quality technology accessible to everyone”, Xiaomi is known to continuously pursue innovations and focus on high-quality user experience. Pushing out amazing mobile phones at attractive prices, Xiaomi is one of the most popular brands when it comes to fearlessly testing new ideas and pushing the boundaries of smartphone technology. Through the relentless pursuit of perfection, Xiaomi phones have all the attributes of an Android flagship. Whether you are looking at latest Xiaomi series or the newly launched Xiaomi 14 5G, you can rest assured that unique Mi products will be amongst the top when it comes to mainstream smartphones. Tagged with the tagline “Making quality technology accessible to everyone”, Xiaomi is known to continuously pursue innovations and focus on high-quality user experience. Pushing out amazing mobile phones at attractive prices, Xiaomi is one of the most popular brands when it comes to fearlessly testing new ideas and pushing the boundaries of smartphone technology. Through the relentless pursuit of perfection, Xiaomi phones have all the attributes of an Android flagship. Whether you are looking at latest Xiaomi series or the newly launched Xiaomi 14 5G, you can rest assured that unique Mi products will be amongst the top when it comes to mainstream smartphones. Constantly refined and enhanced to create the best user experience, Xiaomi phones combine cutting-edge software with top-notch hardware. Some of these include iconic camera modules, Xiaomi HyperCharge, AdaptiveSyncPro for optimal clarity, TrueColour Display, and more.
All for buying the latest Xiaomi handsets from as little as $0 upfront? That’s what you’ll get with M1 and our range of Bespoke plans. Get the best deals on Xiaomi phones with the Bespoke Flexi plan deals that offer a selection of Xiaomi releases! Simply choose your preferred Xiaomi phone online, select the best-fit call time and data for your plan, and you’re all set. While you’re at it, don’t forget to leverage on our Xiaomi phone promotions and deals to save more!
The Bespoke Contract plan could also be the right mobile phone plan for you. Select a base plan and choose from our list of recommended mobile add-ons to add more sunshine to your plan. Design your very own plan that caters to all your specifications and needs. From call time to data allowance, M1 lets you have them all. Customise your plan as you please on the My M1+ app whenever you please!