Think you’re too savvy to get scammed online? Think again.

No matter how wise we think we are to avoid scams, there's always someone a step ahead, ready to catch you off-guard. This reality beckons the need for constant vigilance and adopting comprehensive protective measures to safeguard ourselves and our loved ones in the vast digital landscape.

Types of Scams to Look Out For

Scams are like unwanted guests at a party–they pop up when you least expect them. They come in all forms, and as we move towards an everchanging digital and social landscape, they will continue to evolve.

Phishing Scams

All those weird emails pretending to be holding your parcels and asking for your details? That’s phishing. According to the Singapore Police Force, they are the most prevalent type of scam, cleverly masquerading as legitimate requests for information, making them notoriously difficult to spot, especially when viewed on your phone's compact screen.

Fake Friend Call Scams

Imagine getting a call from a friend or family member claiming they're in dire straits. Except, it’s not really them. It’s a Fake Friend Call Scam. While we might not pick up calls from numbers we don’t recognise, it’s still wise to keep our eyes peeled. Scammers have become adept at exploiting our trust in known contacts, making these scams even more deceitful.

Social Media Impersonation Scam

If you received a message or friend request from a friend even though you’re sure you’ve already followed them long ago, congratulations: you’re now being ‘catfished’. Social Media Impersonation Scams like these involve fake accounts meticulously crafted to look just like your friends and family, all set up to swindle money or sensitive information. The familiarity of these accounts is what makes them dangerously convincing.

Love Scams

Love Scams employ a particularly insidious tactic: They pretend to fall for you, whispering sweet nothings to butter you up, only to end up running off with your cash. And no one is inherently safe; a staggering 73% of love scam victims in 2023 were under the age of 49. This statistic shatters any misconceptions about the demographic typically targeted by these heartless frauds.

Job Scams

If a job offer seems too good to be true, it often is. That is how Job Scams catch their victims, hook, line, and sinker: They offer you a dream job that doesn’t actually exist, secure your personal details in an ‘application form’, and coax you into making an upfront payment to cement a spot at this ‘new company’. Like property or investment scams, they prey on our hopes to score a quick win in life.

How to Spot Scams and Tips To Prevent Scams From Happening

Navigating the digital landscape safely requires a blend of vigilance and proactive measures. Here's how you can fortify your defences against the ever-evolving scam tactics:

  1. Recognise Scam Signs: Scam messages often dangle enticing deals or assert pressure with phrases like “Urgent!” or “Immediate Action Required.” These tactics aim to cloud your judgment. Pausing to question the legitimacy of such messages can be your first line of defence against scams.
  2. Get a Second Opinion: When something feels off, especially if a ‘friend’ on the phone seems unlike themselves, take a moment to verify their story with other friends or family members. This simple act of double-checking can thwart a scammer's attempt to exploit your trust.
  3. Beef Up Your Security: Strengthening your digital fortress involves more than just setting a password. Engage security features on your devices and applications to ward off unauthorised access. Regular password changes and adopting multi-factor authentication are key practices that add layers to your security management.


How M1 Protects You from Scams

M1 is not just about providing top-notch mobile plans; it’s also about managing your data and internet security to give customers peace of mind:

●        Scam Call Blocking and SMS Phishing Protection: M1 takes a proactive stance in scam prevention by offering scam call blocking and SMS phishing protection features. By intercepting potential threats before they reach you, you can protect your phone data and reduce the risk of falling victim to scams.

●        Customer Education: Awareness is a powerful tool against scams. Our Security ALERTS help to bring awareness on safeguarding yourself from sophisticated phishing attempts—and even give real examples of phishing reports and tips on avoiding scams.

●        Collaboration with Authorities: Staying ahead of scammers requires constant vigilance and adaptation. M1 collaborates closely with authorities to implement effective countermeasures against new and evolving scam tactics. This partnership ensures that M1's scam prevention efforts are both robust and informed by the latest intelligence.

Staying One Step Ahead With M1

To wrap up, staying vigilant in the digital age is a combined effort. While we each play a pivotal role in guarding against scams, M1’s initiatives in scam prevention are equally crucial. Together, we create a formidable barrier against those looking to exploit.

We encourage you to keep your eyes open and stay informed about the tactics scammers use. If you come across a scam, don’t hesitate to report it to the authorities and to M1. By sharing this guide and discussing it with friends and family, you help extend this protective network even further.

For more tips and detailed information on how to protect yourself and to stay updated with the latest in scam prevention, visit our blog archive to find guides for anything and everything from data security to choosing the best mobile data plan. Let’s work hand in hand to make the digital world a safer place for everyone.